rent, employee, or own?

Before reading further I HIGHLY recommend you read this article from This Ugly Beauty Business



I have never been an employee while working as an esthetician. I would like to say that at my first real spa job I was treated like an employee but having to pay taxes like I was self employed (bad). Please when you are getting hired at a spa or salon make sure you know your rights. Read this for some help. Also, ask questions at your interview, don’t let them pull one over you, they will take advantage of you. I didn’t realize the last 4 years I was working at a spa I was paying more in taxes than I should have legally been required to. It’s unfortuante but make sure you do your research which is why I have provided helpful links for you! There are tons of helpful articles on This Ugly Beauty Business. Search away!

This episode of The Waxing Podcast talks about being an employee at European Wax Center


Booth renting and owning are pretty similar. I consider owning separate from booth renting when your space is not associated with any type of salon or spa. If you pay your rent to a salon or spa owner you’re most likely booth rent. If you pay rent to a landlord not associated with the beauty industrty you’re what I would classify as an ‘owner’. A lot of similarities, but owners now take responsibility of the building and room they rent as far as insurance or liability is concerned. This will vary by state and location.

The Pros and Cons Of Self Employment

The Microsalon Owners Complete Business Toolkit